Lecture 01
tutorial is a collection of lectures to be held HIC Campus Chishtian to
Introduce Object-Oriented Programming Using C++. In this course, object
orientation is introduced as a new programming concept which should help you in
developing high quality software. Object-orientation is also introduced as a
concept which makes developing of projects easier.
this is not a course for learning the C++ programming language. If you are
interested in learning the language itself, you might want to go through other
tutorials and references books. In this tutorial only those language concepts
that are needed to present coding examples are introduced.
what makes object-orientation such a hot topic? To be honest, not everything
that is sold under the term of object-orientation is really new. For example,
there are programs written in procedural languages like Pascal or C which use
object-oriented concepts. But there exist a few important features which these
languages won't handle or won't handle very well, respectively.
people will say that object-orientation is modern. When reading announcements
of new products everything seems to be object-oriented. Objects are everywhere.
In this tutorial we will try to outline characteristics of object-orientation
to allow you to judge those object-oriented products.
tutorial is organized in such a way that it is very easy to understand the
concepts of Object Oriented Programming simple and easy. We will explain a
brief overview of procedural programming to refresh your knowledge in that
area. Abstract data types are introduced as a fundamental concept of
object-orientation. After that we can start to view the world as consisting of
Subsequent chapters present fundamental object-oriented concepts.
Introduce C++ as an example of an object-oriented programming language which is
in wide-spread use. Finally we will demonstrate how to apply object-oriented
programming to a real example.
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