- JDK 8 support: tools and editor enhancements for
working with Profiles, Lambdas, and Streams.
- Java SE Embedded support to deploy, run, debug or
profile Java SE applications on an embedded device, such
as Raspberry PI, directly from the NetBeans IDE.
- Java ME Embedded 8 support.
- Several Java Editor enhancements, such as many new
Java hints, Javadoc shown as tooltip, instant rename
enhancements, and code completion exclusions.
- Improved integration with JavaFX Scene Builder.
Java EE
- New PrimeFaces code generators, to generate complete
PrimeFaces skeleton CRUD applications with connection to
- Tomcat 8.0 and TomEE support, including out-of-box
JPA, JSF and JAXRS configuration and data sources.
- Facelets Template Client wizard asks for sections to
- Code completion for template sections, and within JSF
composite components.
- Enhanced CDI integration in beans.xml file,
with code completion for alternative classes and
- More flexibility for JPA hints, which can be disabled,
enabled, and warning level changed.
- New Maven graph layout switcher.
- Navigator shows POM goals.
- Additional web resources shown in Projects window.
- Improved Maven performance when re-running Web
- Improved Maven performance of "Apply Code Changes"
while debugging.
- AngularJS navigation via hyperlinking from view to
- Many enhancements for AngularJS in code completion
between artifacts, such as code completion in the view
to properties defined in controllers.
- Code completion support in Knockout templates.
- New editor support for creating JQuery widgets and
- Debugging of JavaScript code executed in Nashorn (JDK
8+) script engine is supported.
- Android 4.4 WebKit debugging supported for Cordova
- New Karma test runner support.
- New Grunt build support.
- Avatar.js is available in the Plugin Manager, via
Tools | Plugins. After installation, you're able to
create Avatar.js projects.
- Support for PHP 5.5.
- New support for Nette tester.
- New support for PHP CS Fixer.
- Enhancements for Twig, Latte, and Neon.
- Composer supported by New Project Wizard.
- New Breadcrumbs feature for navigation in editor.
- New GDB Console to enable usage of command line GDB
- New hints and code completions.
- Improved remote performance.
- Enhanced flexibility in the Window System, such as
split of editor via drag and drop, and a new API to
customize editor tabs.
- New design of user interface for managing Project
- Files in folders can be sorted by extension.
- Profiler enhancements: Profile on embedded platforms,
show thread owning monitor for lock contention, and
improved Threads view.
- Versioning enhancements: Support for Subversion 1.8
working copies, various enhancements to Git and
Mercurial support.
- Task Schedule and other new features in Tasks window
for bug tracking.