C++ Class - 01 - Printing Values
BY: Ch. Kashif Nadeem (MCS-Virtual University Lahore)
Dear Students ...,
We are starting C++ Learning Tutorial and by keeping in mind that you do not know how to write simple and complex program. So we take start from basic programs.
Program 01 : How to print values in C++?
Program Code :
We are use Turbo C++ for compiling our program. It is simple and user friendly IDE (Integrated Development Environment) Software which leads you to correct your programming errors.
We are use Turbo C++ for compiling our program. It is simple and user friendly IDE (Integrated Development Environment) Software which leads you to correct your programming errors.
See our first program with output.
In this program some important fact can be discussed.
- Pre-processor & Header files: We include two header file by using preprocessor # include. Actually preprocessor is instructions for the compilers and header files are used to instruct the compiler regarding some built-in function which are used in our program like as "clrscr()" function and "cout" function.
- iostream.h is called "input output stream". It contains all instructions regarding all input and output stream as cout and cin (used in upcoming programs).
- conio.h is called "console input output". It contains all information and definitions of some built-in functions like as clrscr().
- Our actual execution of the program is started from main() function. Without main function it is not possible to execute statements. All statements in main() function are written in curly bracts like as { }. Where { is called starting bracket and } is called closing brackets.
- One statement is written in this program with prints a line "Welcome C++ Programming with CS Adventures". This line is called statements and cout is said to be console output.
- Semicolon is also inserted at the end of each statement. It is called statement terminator.
See Lecture Video below